My role

I have taken part in the proposal preparation. I was involved in the tasks 12.2-12.4 on the assessment of stakeholders’ needs on Climate Services and in the development in an operational Climate Services in collaboration with the World Food Program, Ethiopian Government and other European research institutions. Also in the organising committee of the two EUPORIAS Masterclass on Climate Services held in 2015 and 2016.

Page on CORDIS

The OA scientific paper summarising the outcomes

Project description

The vision of EUPORIAS is that by developing end-to-end climate impact prediction services, operating on Seasonal to Decadal (S2D) timescales, and clearly demonstrating their value in informing decision-making; we will stimulate a market for these new tools and thus improve the resilience of society to climate variability and change. In doing so, we will increase the competitiveness of EU businesses and the ability of EU regional and national authorities to make effective decisions in climate-sensitive sectors.

Lead Data Science Services
